rockstars. & four favorites.

"You CAN do this." I whispered aloud to myself that winter night when everything I wanted slipped from my grasp and staring me in the face was one of my biggest fears.
 "You are a rockstar."
Because a few months earlier, when push came to shove - I decided that no matter what was happening in my life, no matter what losses I faced, no matter how scared I felt.... I wasn't going to stay in bed with the covers over my head. I wasn't going to be too scared to love ever again. I wasn't going to shut down. Believe me, I wanted to. I wanted to throw in the towel and say "forget it". But I decided, I was going to rock it out.
During that hard season of my life, I used to sit on the floor of my little apartment, all alone. And I would read through the Psalms until I stopped crying. God's grace and love would wrap me up in peace and I would rest in Jesus.

After experiencing pain, loss and broken dreams - I think you and I are sometimes too scared to enjoy or embrace life again. We are more comfortable staying in a negative state of mind, a depressed mood. Then, if an unexpected bad thing happens - I won't be let down. Nothing can steal my happiness, because you see - I am not all that happy anyway.

I've been thinking about this lately and about my own heart. I've found I have fallen into monotony lately, being too scared to dream or laugh. Because it is safer, easier to just be "down". Because, if you're down, you can't be let down. But, I think we are stealing joy from ourselves that God wants to give us. We have hope. We have eternity with the Lord.
No matter what painful situation we face, in the end ... it is going to be okay. Maybe not today, but someday.

You, my are a rockstar. And rockstars love life. They aren't too scared to laugh and dance and sing. Even though they know, in a moment's time - life's unexpectedness could "rip the rug out from under" them and change everything. Rockstars might cry themselves to sleep night after night. But they find a reason to smile in the morning. Rockstars are brave. They embrace the good things in life. They might be scared, but they take a deep breath and they do it. They trust God. They choose to believe. They have faith. And they wear red lipstick on days when they wanna cry.

Take a deep breath, girl. You're almost there.
Keep climbing, keep dreaming, keep reaching.
You can do this. You're a rockstar.

And when you feel like you can't keep going - keep pushing forward.
Look for the joys.

I did this week...

{perfect summer February}

lovely, whispy clouds against the brightest of blue skies.

{my cuddly kitten}

{Making some pretty little things}

i will be sharing my new etsy shop with you very soon!

{Homemade Baked Chips...and salsa!}
One of my go-to favorite snacks.
I had a few requests after sharing the picture on Twitter when I made these this week, so for those interested -
here's my little recipe:

-Corn Tortillas
-Sea Salt
-Olive Oil Cooking Spray
-Cookie Sheet
Cut corn tortillas into 6 slices (like a pizza!) Arrange on greased cookie sheet, spray evenly with Olive Oil cooking spray, sprinkle with salt. Bake in the oven at 425 degrees for about 6-8 minutes, flipping chips over half way through the baking time.
Super easy. Healthier than fried chips. And yummy.


Keep your head held high. Keep going. Keep moving. Keep your faith. You just might find who you're supposed to be. Don't give up now.

Rock it out.



Friday iPhone Photo Drop
{from instagram, to follow search: erin_sweetnessitself}